Using Ground Beef in a Stir Fry

Mediterranean Ground Beefiness Stir Fry

This Mediterranean ground beefiness stir fry is what a quick and salubrious dinner is all about! It'south loaded with savory veggies, archetype littoral seasonings, and packs in a ton of flavor without the need for a sauce.

Mediterranean ground beef stir fry in a pan with a slotted spoon.

I hummed and hawed on what to telephone call this recipe equally ground beef is not typically what you'd consider mediterranean nutrient. But the blistered tomatoes, bell pepper, infant spinach, dark-green onion, and garlic are most definitely Mediterranean in nature. So consider it a healthier, veggie-packed basis beef stir fry that's light in flavour. A departure from your typical Asian chicken stir fry flavors, all the same delicious in a whole new manner!

And speaking of flavors and sauces, there's actually no sauce in this recipe. Once the tomatoes intermission down they become oozy and liquidy, and that melds with the garlic and oregano and douses the residue of the ingredients in garlicky, Mediterranean goodness. Y'all're gonna love it.

Ingredients for Mediterranean ground beef stir fry on a table.

What's In This Mediterranean Stir Fry?

From the blistered tomatoes to bell pepper and oregano, this not traditional stir fry is made from the best Mediterranean ingredients.

  • Bell Pepper: Ruddy bell pepper is ideal for its natural sugariness and vibrant red color, but any color works!
  • Cherry-red Tomatoes: Grape tomatoes can be a substitution, but cherry tomatoes are ideal hither since they're much juicier and cicatrice beautifully in a pan.
  • Babe Spinach: It's astonishing how much a minor tub of spinach wilts downwardly, so while it may look like a lot, trust me, it's not as well much.
  • Garlic and Greenish Onion: Essential alliums requite the recipe a punch of fresh flavor.
  • Footing Beef: You'll need one pound for this recipe. Just if you're non a fan of beefiness, you tin can also use footing chicken or turkey.
  • Oregano: Can't exercise a savory Mediterranean dish without oregano!
  • Crumbled Feta: This can be optional if you lot're dairy-costless. Otherwise, the crumbled feta really adds a delicious Mediterranean flair.

Notice the printable recipe with measurements below.

Cooking Mediterranean ground beef stir fry in a pan.

Let's Make The Best Stir Fry Recipe!

What I love about stir chips is that they're And then easy to brand, yet just every bit flavorful every bit a recipe that takes hours. And so grab a big pan and allow'south get cooking.

  • Saute the tomatoes and bong pepper. Heat the oil in a large pan, then saute the bell pepper and cherry tomatoes for iv to 5 minutes, until the tomatoes are blistered. And so add the garlic and stir for some other minute.
  • Cook the spinach and green onion. Add together the spinach and white parts of the greenish onion. Then stir for another two to 3 minutes, until the spinach has wilted. Remove these veggies to a plate.
  • Melt the ground beef. Add together the beef, oregano, table salt, and pepper to the pan, and use a spatula to pause upwards the meat. When information technology's browned, bleed off any backlog liquid.
  • Combine everything together! Transfer the veggies dorsum to the pan, add the greenish parts of the green onion, and stir everything together. Then garnish with crumbled feta before serving it up.

Means To Serve This Mediterranean Ground Beef Stir Fry

Honestly, I tin can just consume this as is with a sprinkle of feta because it's that good. Just if you want to make it a well rounded meal, here's a few other fun ways to serve information technology.

  • Serve over a bed of rice or lentils for an extra filling meal.
  • Employ this every bit a filling for a butter leaf lettuce wrap (great for a low-carb selection!).
  • For all my egg lovers, top a plate of this with a fried egg or poached egg.
A plate of Mediterranean ground beef stir fry next to a bowl of feta.

How To Store Leftovers

This dish makes for great leftovers and meal prep for the week!

  • To shop: This will keep for up to 4 to 5 days in the fridge in a sealed container. Just make certain to let it cool before closing the lid.
  • To freeze: Alternatively, y'all can freeze this for up to 3 months.

More Easy Ground Beef Recipes

From stuffed peppers to a big pot of chili, here'south a few comfort food favorites.

  • Blimp Peppers
  • Taco Stuffed Zucchini Boats
  • Best Ever Chili
  • Taco Soup
  • Zucchini Lasagna

If you lot make this basis beef stir fry, allow me know how it turned out! I'd love to hear what you lot retrieve in the comments below.

A stainless steel pan with Mediterranean ground beef stir fry

Mediterranean Ground Beefiness Stir Fry

This easy and healthy ground beef stir fry recipe is loaded with the best of Mediterranean flavors. From blistered tomatoes to crumbled feta, an like shooting fish in a barrel dinner doesn't get whatsoever better than this!

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 red bell pepper, deseeded and diced
  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
  • 8 ounces baby spinach (small tub)
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • ii green onion, thinly sliced, white and green parts separated
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • ½ teaspoon stale oregano
  • kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to gustatory modality
  • 2 tablespoons crumbled feta
  • Heat the oil in a large pan on medium-high heat. Add together the bong pepper and cherry tomatoes and saute for iv-5 minutes, until the tomatoes are blistered, and saucy. Add the garlic and stir another minute.

  • Add the spinach and white parts of the light-green onion. Note that the spinach will take up most of the pan, but it will wilt down. Stir for another 2-iii minutes, until the spinach has wilted. Remove these veggies to a plate.

    Sauteing tomatoes and spinach for Mediterranean ground beef stir fry

  • Add the ground beef, oregano, salt, and pepper to the pan, and apply a spatula to break up the meat. Cook the basis beef until information technology'due south browned, and then drain off any excess grease.

    Cooking ground beef in a pan for a stir fry.

  • Transfer the veggies dorsum to the pan, add the green parts of the green onion, and stir until warmed through. Garnish with crumbled feta before serving.

    Mediterranean ground beef stir fry in a metal pan next to a napkin.

Calories: 304 kcal , Carbohydrates: 11 g , Protein: 27 m , Fat: 17 g , Saturated Fat: half dozen g , Polyunsaturated Fat: i thou , Monounsaturated Fat: viii yard , Trans Fat: 1 m , Cholesterol: 81 mg , Sodium: 230 mg , Potassium: 1038 mg , Fiber: 3 yard , Sugar: five m , Vitamin A: 6927 IU , Vitamin C: 83 mg , Calcium: 141 mg , Iron: v mg

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